25 April 2021


Island benches continue to be a popular design feature in many kitchens and for good reason – when done right, they can be a practical and attractive feature for your new kitchen. However, although they are certainly a popular addition to many kitchens, there are instances where they just won’t work for certain spaces.

The Maker have extensive experience designing kitchens in Perth and today we’ll be looking at the pros and cons of including an island bench in your design.

The good

One of the best things about an island bench is that it gives you space. Adding an island means you have additional bench space and cabinets, or even a wine rack, can also be installed for added storage. The fact that it’s a separate feature means that it doesn’t cut off the rest of the kitchen and can allow easy access to the rest of the kitchen. It can also act as the centre of the kitchen and many people love that friends and family tend to gather around an island bench.

From a practical perspective, an island bench provides additional seating in the house and can be used to eat informal meals. To help with ease of food preparation, your island bench can also be integrated with a chopping board, sink or stovetop.

The bad

There are some circumstances where an island bench just isn’t practical. For example, if you’re dealing with a very small space, an island bench is going to be impractical as it will be too hard to fit it in without it getting in the way. If you need floor space in your kitchen, an island bench may not be the best option for you as they tend to take up a fair bit of room. Due to the location of the island bench in the centre of the kitchen, it also tends to draw the eye and will become a feature whether you want it to or not. In some cases, it may throw off the balance of the space or detract from other design features which you’ve painstakingly included.

If you’re unsure whether an island bench is a good idea in your particular space, speak to a professional kitchen designer – they’re the best person to be able to give you guidance and to help you decide whether an island bench should be integrated into your design.

The Maker are an award-winning designer and manufacturer, creating customised kitchens in Perth, WA. We lead the industry when it comes to designing luxury kitchens using the latest design trends and innovations. If you’re ready to create your new kitchen in Perth, we can make the process enjoyable and stress free.

For customised Perth kitchens, speak to the team at The Maker today on 1300 270 000 or make an appointment to visit our showrooms and meet with one of our designers.

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