13 September 2021


The process of creating your new kitchen is equal parts exciting and daunting, and working with a Kitchen Designer during this process brings enormous value.

They understand the remodelling process inside and out, are extremely knowledgeable about the latest trends, can help you avoid costly mistakes in the functional aspects of the room, and most importantly work with you to bring your dream kitchen to reality.

As your own personal expert and guide for this exciting process, your kitchen designer will be your new best friend and get to know your family’s requirements and your home very thoroughly throughout the journey of creating your new kitchen. However, even the very best of designers aren’t mind readers, and will need you to do a little bit of homework to help them along.

We share our top tips for preparing for your meeting with a kitchen designer in order to get the most out of the process and keep it running smoothly.

Tip 1: Pros & Cons

First things first – we need you to go back to basics and create a good old pros and cons list. We really want you to think about what you love about your current kitchen, what you hate about it, and what is a ‘must have’ for the new design. If you are finding it hard to get started on this list, maybe start with what you love about your current space. Then, rather than trying to think of these all at one, next time you cook a meal have a pen and paper handy to jot down things that come to mind as you use your kitchen. This part of the process is invaluable for your kitchen designer to ensure the new design is perfect for your family, and suits how you like to use your kitchen.

Tip 2: Inspiration

Now we need you to pour a glass of wine and get searching, hash-tagging and stalking!
Inspirational pictures are super handy for your designer to understand the aesthetic and overall vibe you are going for – and it helps them get to know your own personal style. So put together a Pinterest board or a bunch of image cut-outs form design magazines, and tell us what you love about that particular image, so we know what materials to recommend.

Tip 3: Appliances & Tech

An important aspect you need to think about is whether you are intending on keeping your current appliances in your new kitchen, or if you are planning on starting from scratch and upgrading. Your design needs to work around your appliance selection as these items differ greatly in size between brands and models – even a being few centimetres out will become a pain later on. Trust us, it will be a real headache if we design your dream cabinetry only to find that there is one sized oven on the planet to fit the space perfectly. So research into appliances and plumbing fixtures before coming in – even better if appliances are selected. Having this knowledge from the start means less changes down the track.

Tip 4: Spring Clean

It’s time to ‘Marie Kondo’ your space! Go through your kitchen to remove items no longer needed and suss out exactly what you have to store; such as Tupperware, plates, bowls, platters, small appliances and anything else you come across. This is an important step, as it your designer can get a clear idea of how much space you require, and they can help you work out storage options to best suit your belongings and your budget.

Tip 5: Budget

The dreaded B word! Budget! Every project has one, and we understand the important of sticking to our client’s budget. A kitchen remodel is typically a substantial investment into your home, so working out at least general guide to what you want to be spending is crucial. Are you wanting new high-end appliances? Do you like the idea of a fancy natural stone benchtop? Maybe you know you want to include lots of drawers rather than standard cabinets?
Spend some time figuring out what budget parameters will fit into your renovation, broken down into building costs, appliance costs and cabinetry/benchtop costs, this way your designer can prepare and recommend the right materials and styles for your budget.

No two kitchens are the same, so being upfront honest with your designer and equipped with as much information as you can be from the very start of the process is critical to the success of your project.

The Maker’s team of award-winning designers are renowned for their design expertise, professionalism and customer service. We would love to assist with your kitchen design in Perth and our showroom is a great place to have an initial discussion with one of our friendly designers. Visit us today at 12 Dyer Road in Bassendean or give us a call on 1300 270 000.

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